
Appearing for DGCA Pilot exams?

A guided demo to help you understand and make the most out of our Pilot Exam Simulator! Our aviation experts have handcrafted this system, to make your journey smooth and memorable.

You will be up and running in less than 5 minutes

Register @ VictorTango.co

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Pre Flight Checks as we call it – Register your account

Verify your email address

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You would have received a mail from hello@victortango.co, if you don’t see it in your inbox, PLEASE CHECK JUNK / SPAM FOLDER, you will surely find it there.

Also, mark it “NOT SPAM / JUNK”, so as to be able to receive all communications from VictorTango.co

If you still can’t find it, try to login with your email/passcode and we will resend you the verification mail.



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Enter your registered email/passcode and hit log in.

If you have forgotten your passcode, you can click on the Forgot Passcode link and we will send it to your email address.



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Ready to start engines!

We have 2 engines for you

1. Study mode
– This mode allows you to take individual chapters/topics as you study offline.
– There is no time limit in this mode.
– You can practice your questions, by answering and you will be prompted with the answer.

2. Exam Mode
– This is a Mock DGCA exam
– It simulates the exact settings of the DGCA exam
– You need to take it for the duration of the exam
– It is Subject Based

Study Mode

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Read the instructions carefully on this page

Study Mode – Select Chapter

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Select Subject then Select a particular chapter / topic.

Click on Start button, to take off!

Exam Mode

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Here you only have the option of practicing the whole subject.

This mode is recommended when you are completely ready to take on DGCA exams.

You can access this mode, by purchasing Exam Credits. You can click on the buy button on the top right corner of your dashboard.

1 exam credit = 1 mock exam

Once you have started the exam, the credit will be deducted from your balance.

DGCA Exam View

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You’re wheels up!

Have a look at an actual mock-up of the DGCA exam.

Question Time Line

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Here are the Question Legend and the color codes which represent different types of questions.

Get used to them, it will help you speed up in the exams.

When you think you are done, answering all the questions and want to submit your paper, click on the Finish Exam button, on the top right of your screen.

Exam Results

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You are done!

We analyse your answers and provide you with instantaneous score.

Exam Summary

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In aviation, we believe we have to learn from our own mistakes, and that’s why we have a post-exam assessment for you to assess your self better and focus on those areas where you need to improve.

Reference Images

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There will be questions which will have some additional images for reference.

Use the “View Appendix” button to load the same.

Click on Appendix Button

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This is how your Appendix will show up with your screen, you can click on the X (Cross) mark or anywhere on the screen to return back to the question.

Help us Help others

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It’s important to be vigilant in aviation, however, it is more important to be a vigilante

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