Technology has become the key to a new world of education. Now, with the increasing benefits of online learning, is preparing students for DGCA exams online.

Exams are like landings, only through practice can you perform better!


Mock exam papers are the best resource for practicing and keeping a constant check on your preparation level.

Multiple attempts of mock exams help students revise the entire syllabus in the simulated setting of the actual exam. This way they remember what they have learned and perform well in the actual exam.

One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to
self-confidence is preparation. – Arthur Ashe

Helps to Familiarize with Real Exam Environment

Mock test papers are designed as per the actual test papers. These test papers acquaint you with the question pattern, syllabus, difficulty level. Thereby, giving mock test papers help candidates to get familiarized with the actual exam-environment. Attempt VictorTango’s DGCA Mock Exam to get familiarized with the respective exam pattern.

Prevents Nervousness and Boost confidence

Stress and anxiety are two factors that go hand-in-hand during exam preparation. These factors can adversely affect exam performance. It has been observed quite a few times, that candidates lose marks because of being too nervous or over-stressed. When you are nervous, it affects your memory and concentration which sometimes, may cause “blank-out” during the exam. If you can get familiar with the exam pattern, you can overcome this exam fear. Rigorous practice of mock tests will make your exam ready and will boost your confidence for the exams.

Mock exams, if framed right, can be incredibly beneficial for students. They help students to start revising early, to practice effective revision strategies, to improve their knowledge, to familiarise themselves with pressure, and act as a guide moving forward.

– Capt. shantanu sangidwar (air india commander a320 family)

Improves Your Speed and Time Management

Getting familiar with exam pattern will also help you in managing the simulated exam time. Time management plays a crucial role during exam. Most of the candidates are unable to complete their exam paper within the given time and lose marks, despite of knowing the correct answers. Candidates often face difficulty in attempting all the questions with absolute accuracy in the given time. Mock test papers are designed as per the actual test paper pattern, solving them will help you to manage your time and correctly answer the entire question paper. Thereby, improving your speed and accuracy. Practice solving Mock Exams from VictorTango to improve your speed and manage your time during exams.

Revision of Complete Syllabus

The most common problem that students face during their exam preparation is that they start forgetting the earlier chapters once they proceed with their preparations. Mock Test papers are designed so that they cover almost every important topic of the syllabus. Hence, solving them will help students in getting a complete revision of the syllabus regularly. This will help them to retain all the learned chapters till the exam day. So, practice as many Mock tests as you can to brush up all topics in a better way.

Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Once you are prepared for the upcoming exams, it is necessary to test your preparation level. It is always important to do a self-analysis of your preparedness. Appearing for Mock Tests can help you understand the level of your preparedness. You will be able to know the areas you are lagging in and where to put more effort. Get a thorough self-analysis after completing your preparation by solving powerful Mock test papers provided by VictorTango.